May 4, 2018
It's been a crazy month or so. Rushing around to get myself off for a much anticipated two-week plus vacation left me leaning on my son to pick up and deliver some artwork from and to exhibitions (thank you sweetie). Suffering from a terrible case of jet lag on the return trip I managed to drag myself to a reception at Hopkinton Center for the Arts' Arts in Bloom show, one of my favorites.
Still in something of a brain fog I arrived late only barely registering that my two entries hung near the front door, one of which (Redemption) had a compact yet evocative arrangement in front of it. After four years of participating in the show, I knew that my work had been acknowledged but since I won first place the year before, I assumed lightening simply couldn't strike twice. I headed to the bar for a glass of wine.
Since I'd arrived late I moseyed around the place to see if I knew anyone or any of the artists whose work hung on the walls. There were beautiful pieces, one of which, had a fabulous arrangement in front of it. After noting the use of tree bark, I turned and complimented the artist on her win. She had no idea the arrangement meant she'd won a prize so was thrilled. I moved on and ran into a friend who congratulated me on my sale. Sale?!? I hadn't even looked at my work. Hooray!
At about halfway around the room the director hit the mic and began announcing the winners. The woman I congratulated earlier received an honorable mention, then a second was announced and a third. I was surprised, for some reason I thought my humble offering would have been in that group. Must be a third place. Nope, not me. Nor second. I was astonished to hear my name called as having won first prize for the second year in a row! I was totally blown away. Having received my prize and some congrats from friends and fellow artists I took a look at my paintings, the winner and the arrangement that complimented it and the other (Grace), complimented by the little red dot meaning it had been sold.
I've been on cloud nine ever since with my jet lag banished and my energy high to get back into the studio and paint away.
May 20, 2018 UPDATE: A couple of days ago I received more excellent news. Seems that Redemption also sold! So really, this post should be named "Three-Fer”!
Paintings: Redemption © Lissa Banks 2017