Full House

Nov 1, 2024

This painting has taken ridiculously long to complete. Yes, there was lots to it but then again not. It’s been something of a Zen experience, repeating petals but with variations. Each one different. What, at first glance looked like a simple coral zinnia turns out to be, instead, a zinnia of many colors. I started it on September 8. I finished it this morning. Sheesh.

But that’s not what delayed my work.

I’ve been sifting through my possessions, tossing, keeping and reorganizing. I’ve painted baskets, put together shelving, purged old cans of house paint, repaired closet hardware and cleared out drawers. And still more projects big and small.

I’ve had the pleasure of days immersed in Boston’s rich visual arts treasures with a kindred art-loving spirit, a dear friend from my past life. We ate hardboiled eggs, sushi and hamburgers. There was a wine or beer or two as well. And long drives through the changing landscape. What a treat.

My garden is ablaze too with the season’s best, yellow and orange chrysanthemums, dusky red sedum and hydrangeas ageing in place, at once purple, mauve and sage. 

But the biggest event has been the arrival of five of my very favorite people, my son, his wife, and their three children. They’ve been busy too, purging and clearing out stuff as they embark on an almost total house remodel.

I know, I know. I’ve heard it all: “You’re what???”, “For how long?”, long silences and deep sighs.

But I have a large nearly empty house, and they have none…at least for a while.

So now my pantries are stuffed to the gills with foods I’ve never heard of before and the refrigerator somehow empties itself overnight. In a little over two weeks, we’ve had one birthday and one Halloween, two pizza nights and countless Halloween movies. 

This very predictable life of mine has been turned on its head! We are all finding new ways to do our old things. My studio now accommodates three artists (at least) and we jockey our cars around. 

My days now are as stuffed as Halloween pillowcases. My house is alive. My heart is full. 

And all our fingers and toes are crossed!

Painting: Full House © Lissa Banks 2024