Painting: Happy Little Family copyright Lissa Banks 2024

A Happy Little Flower

Aug 27, 2024

There have been many people and places in my life that have made me happy.

I’m so grateful to have been born into a loving, stable family and have been granted so many gifts flowing out of that simple event that I’m embarrassed to recount them all. I did absolutely nothing, just flopped out of my mother’s belly one day and there it was.

Over my many years of my life I have had the pleasure to meet people along that the way that have brought joy into my life. That's not to say there haven’t been some duds. Some downright mean ones too. 

In college I was an art history major with a fine art minor. Not considered an artist per se (or considering myself an artist, for that matter), I felt like a poser before the term was invented. And since some were eager to remind me of it, I set my sights on becoming an academic. But, as fate would have it, I became a mother!

A fair trade I reckoned. Having been intimidated by some of my peers, I left dreams of a life in visual arts in my past, I was happy to grow a family instead.

Art never left me, however. Over the years I found outlets around the house and even produced a canvas now and then. My father-in-law once teased me asking, “can’t you ever just draw a map?” as I worked on adding landmarks and color to a map to somewhere.

When I moved to New England and began my professional life as a painter, an unapologetically, real-deal painter, I felt like I was once again born into the most wonderful family. My new people. I only need half a hand to count the number of times I’ve been made to question myself since I returned to this journey. 

One of the places I have found warm acknowledgement and support has been the Cape Cod Art Center in Barnstable, MA. Roberta and Kate, Jude and others always greet me with a smile. They encourage my work and have even facilitated a sale for me! So, when asked, I was excited to provide this little painting for a benefit sale* for the Center. 

It’s a happy little painting of a Happy Little Flower that I’m all too happy to provide to some very nice people who, well, make me happy.

*This year’s Off the Wall, “A Night in a Paris Museum”, will be held at the Cape Cod Art Center on Saturday, October 5, 2024, and features fun, festive food and beverage. There will be an auction and artist-donated 8” x 10” panels costing $100 each will be available for purchase. Tickets to attend are $35. All goes to this remarkable little gem on that beautiful peninsula. Check it out if you’re on the Cape come early October. Here’s a link to the Center for further information.

Painting: Happy Little Flower © Lissa Banks 2024